After an eight year hiatus, Martin Lawrence is expected to return to television. Lawrence will reportedly take on a recurring role alongside Okieriete Onaodowan in AMC‘s upcoming series, Demascus. The show will follow a 33-year-old man named Demascus as he embarks on a “journey of self-discovery using an innovative new technology that allows him to experience different versions of his own life.”
Onaodowan will play the lead role of Demascus while Lawrence plays his Uncle Forty. As described by The Hollywood Reporter, Lawrence’s character is the family’s patriarch, but is suffering from poor health. Despite his ailments, he demands respect and will not tolerate anything but that.
Throughout the show, Onaodowan and Lawrence will be joined by a talented cast that includes Janet Hubert, Caleb Eberhardt and Shakira Ja’nai Paye. Behind the scenes, Tearrance Arvelle Chisholm will work alongside Kirk Moore as the show runner while Mark Johnson and Myki Bajaj produce. Solvan “Slick” Naim of Power will serve as the show’s first director.