Showtime is bringing its critically-acclaimed drama, Billions, to an end after seven seasons. The show’s 12-episode final season will kick off on August 11 with a Paramount+ premiere. Two days later, the show’s seventh season will debut on linear at 8 p.m. EST.
“Billions has deftly explored power, money and greed in a way that not only made it a massive hit, but also defined its own genre thanks to the creative brain trust of Brian and David,” Showtime CEO Chris McCarthy said.
“This final season is packed full of the incredible, complex dialogue and character dynamics fans have come to love, and we are thrilled to partner with them on turning this hit series into a global franchise.”
Starring Paul Giamatti, Billions debuted in January 2016. The Brian Koppelman-created show tells the story of hedge fund manager Bobby Axelrod and U.S. Attorney Chuck Rhoades. Axelrod stands on the line between criminality and aggressiveness as Rhoades tracks his every move. Along the way, the show has earned praise from critics and nominations from the Critics’ Choice Television Awards and the GLAAD Media Awards.