Disney is hoping to encourage the next Riri Williams to explore and innovate within the realm of science, technology, engineering and math. Celebrating the release of Black Panther: Wakanda Forever, Disney has donated $1 million to organizations that help encourage youth to enter STEM-related endeavors. The following organizations will receive financial support from the company: Girls Who Code, Ghetto Film School, The Hidden Genius Project, Donors Choose, Destination Imagination and Chicas en Tecnología.
“From its historic casting to advanced technology to culturally relevant storytelling, Black Panther: Wakanda Forever is one of the greatest and most anticipated movies ever,” Disney Corporate Social Responsibility Executive Vice President Jennifer Cohen said.
“When young people watch this film, we want them to walk away believing that their futures are boundless and being inspired to pursue their passions, grow their skills, and share their unique talents with the world.”
Disney is not only hoping to inspire youth of color to explore STEM-related fields, but the company is also empowering kids to hit the movie theaters as well. The company partnered with Target and AMC Theaters to host over 130 community screenings of Black Panther: Wakanda Forever for local nonprofits in 10 markets. Through these efforts, nearly 25,000 kids were able to experience the film before its wide release.