The Vince Staples show is set to debut on Netflix on Thursday, February 15. As the show’s debut nears, critics have unveiled their initial reviews and thoughts about the show. While most reviews have applauded the Long Beach native’s debut series, many critics have compared it to Donald Glover’s popular FX series, Atlanta.
“Vince Staples’ Netflix show looks like a cross between Atlanta and Uncut Gems,” the headline of Austen Goslin’s Polygon review reads.
“The Vince Staples Show: a weird, woozy new TV genre is on the rise – and Atlanta fans will love it,” the title of a since retracted review from The Guardian adds.
During a recent interview with Aaron Williams of UPROXX, Staples had an opportunity to comment on those comparisons. From where he’s sitting, comparing his show to Glover’s Atlanta is a positive.
“I feel like when you alleviate ego, it is really no drawback,” Staples said.
“I think that’s an extremely successful show. It changed a lot. It’s had a lot of impact on film and television, just culture in general. So for people to even compare to something that is that coveted and I’m just grateful for it. So it’s a really, really great starting point.”