What a way to start the first of many articles on the up and coming, NYC-based league, Rare Breed Entertainment. The RBE movement has been moving very fast in the last 2 years and its looking like they are here to stay. Many leagues come and go but league owner ARP, a true battle rap fan, has made it clear that RBE is not with the politics and are only looking to put on classic matches for the fans. Pitting new talent against established MCs, the Blood Sweat & Tiers series has been the blueprint of his brand and Blood, sweat, & Tiers 2 goes to show that they are progressing even further. Continuing to provide a PPV option for their content, you can see the success BST1 had, and BST2 surpassed expectations as the viewers were more than pleased with the presentation of each battle.
Performing at Club Drom on April 18th, the first battle released off of BST2 was none other than JC vs Ah Di Boom. ARP set this match up with intentions of a classic bar fest, seeing that the two MCs have no particular grudge against each other. An interesting clash arises as Ah Di Boom’s strong suit is his performance, off the charts I may add, and JC’s pen is considered one of best.
For a battler of JC’s caliber, his resume has been lackluster for some strange reason. Whether it is people ducking his lyrical onslaught, or him just wanting to give us timeless bars, Ah Di Boom had to stand in front of JC that night. Not only did Ah Di Boom stand in front of him, he was showcasing his one of a kind style with hard hitting bars that had the crowd in a frenzy.
Exhibit A:
One thing JC is? Always prepared no matter the amount of prep time. The more he gets, the more dangerous his rounds are. His stage presence and unorthodox setups demands you to pay attention and when you do, you just end up in awe.
Exhibit B:
Here at Def Pen we try our best to stay as unbias as possible so the viewers can enjoy the battles without conflicting opinions.
As for what battle will be dropping next, be on the look out for RBE’s next spotlight video.
So you be the judge. Drop your comments below on who you feel won.