Scarlett Johansson has spent the better of a decade putting on performance after performance as Black Widow in the uber successful Marvel Cinematic Universe. Her role as Black Widow seemingly came to an end earlier this year when she starred in the first film centered around the superhero. Despite the COVID-19 pandemic impacting theaters nationwide, the film performed fairly well and earned public praise from Marvel chief Kevin Feige.
“Scarlett has lent her talent and star power to the Marvel Cinematic Universe for over a decade. That she’s chosen to play a key part in it for so many years, I am extremely grateful for,” Feige told Deadline on Thursday.
“Working with [her] has truly been one of the most memorable and rewarding collaborations of my career.”
Apparently, he is actively working with Johannson. Deadline also reports that Feige hinted at a “top secret Marvel studios project” starring the actress. He did not provide more detail on what the project would entail, but it does come as a surprise considering the arch of Black Widow and her recent legal battle with Disney.
Johansson has not confirmed the project or provide any more detail on it either. More details to come in the new year.