On Tuesday, President Joe Biden will deliver this year’s State of the Union address. A recently released report from NBC News has offered some insight into what the President will shift his focus towards.
According to Peter Nichols of NBC News, the former Vice President will talk extensively about solutions to everyday problems like lengthy commutes and expensive prescription drugs. With this address, the former Senator hopes to reach a “wider audience that may have only a passing interest in politics and policy.”
Just last year, nearly 40 million Americans tuned in to watch President Joe Biden deliver the State of the Union address. As the 2024 Presidential Election nears, the President hopes to use those eyeballs to strengthen the nation’s belief in him as a leader and policymaker.
“This is the year and the message where the president needs to establish his governing and campaign narrative: What his presidency has meant to the public’s well-being and why they should give him their support,” professor Martha Kumar of Towson University told NBC News.
“If he doesn’t do that, by next year Ron DeSantis and Donald Trump will have defined him by his failures as they see them.”
There’s a lot on the line this week in Washington, D.C. The 2023 State of the Union address is scheduled to take place on February 7, 2023 at 9 p.m. in the nation’s capital.