During a season where most series are on break and prepping for new seasons, Starz’s Power returned for its highly anticipated second season. With its first season leaving us all with many questions in regards to what Ghost’s reaction would be once he found out that Angela was a federal agent, Kanan’s motives, and various other open-ended loopholes, the second season of Power was bound to be a success. As Season 3 is shaping up to be Ghost versus the people that were once the closest to him, along with tension is at an all-time high, Season 2 of Power has left us all wishing that Summer 2016 was tomorrow instead of several months away.
With the breathtaking season finale already taking place, just as we did with show’s debut season, we have decided to compile a list of some of the best quotes of season 2. Check out Def Pen’s top quotes from Power‘s second season, below.
***NOTE*** Some quotes do contain partial spoilers. Read at your own risk.
Episode 1:
“It only starts a war if they know you did it.” – Tasha to Ghost
Simply put, if no one really understood the meaning of the nickname ‘Ghost’, Tasha laid it out on the table. It was from that point on, we saw Ghost make many power moves, all while being the background and one step ahead of his adversaries. While encountering slip-ups, Ghost proved he was a man of many actions, even in the shadows.
“Angie, I need you to be strong for me. Everything else falling apart around us, we gotta be strong for each other” – Ghost to Angie
Many aspects of James and Angela’s relationship were not only unconventional but met many tests throughout the season. What was proved time and time again through the 10 episode season is that the foundation of the relationship was strong. Even with lies and betrayal and putting what they loved the most at risk, the dedication to each other was the clear winner as they go into season 3 facing major opposition.
Episode 2:
“Come on, man. Ain’t no friends out here in these streets.” – Kanan to Ghost
What makes this quote so amazing is that Kanan was clearly telling Ghost to not trust him, as if Ghost didn’t already know that. Even greater than that, that quote could substantially sum up the theme of the season as the backstabbing and deceit were at an all-time high from Kanan’s ruthless ways in Killing his son, Shawn, from those working with Ghost turning on him one by one. Without a doubt, the lack of trust was prevalent.
“In a way, we know each other better than anyone else ever could.” – Angela to her sister, Paz
Along with some truth, there’s some irony in this quote to Angela’s sister. On one hand, Ghost and Angela proved over the course of season 1 and season 2 that they know the ins and outs of each other, especially in terms of the end goal. On the other end, the trickery between the two displayed had viewers guessing to see who really had the upper-hand in knowing the one more than the other did. With the season’s conclusion, Ghost easily knows ins and outs of Angela’s feelings and trickery. Just as with his competition, just when Angie think she has him 100% figured out, Ghost makes it he’s the one winning this race.
Episode 3:
“Listen to me, a fine woman who knows she fine is trouble. Now that bitch bad. And she knows she bad. So you watch your back.” – Kanan to Shawn
There is nothing more dangerous in this world than a woman who knows how to use her beauty in order to get what she wants. Tasha used Shawn like a pawn on her chess board to gain information about the dealings Ghost was keeping from her. Kanan tried to warn Shawn, but at this point, it was entirely too late.
“Your friends betray you, cut them, don’t think twice.” – Kanan to Tommy
This is a written rule, the moment you sense betrayal amongst your friends, you cut ties with them immediately. Don’t give them any more opportunities to stab you in the back, you might not survive. Kanan knows it was Ghost who set him up which led him to serve ten years in prison. In the drug world, the only thing that equals to “cutting ties” after betrayal happens is murder.
Episode 4:
“You know how this business is K, soon as you take out one threat, another one pops up. Fucking circle of life.” – Ghost to Kanan
We deal with this in life, soon as we hurdle over one obstacle, another obstacle stands in our way. It like a revolving door. Ghost thought with “Pink Sneakers” being killed would be the end to his problems in the drug business. He started putting the pieces together and realized it was Kanan the entire time who was disrupting his drug network.
“You and Tasha going through a rough patch, ya so close, use to doing everything together.”
– Kanan to Ghost
After Tasha found out Ghost was still seeing Angela, she kicked him out. Kanan makes it known to Ghost that he knows it was him and Tasha who set him up in order to take full control of the drug business. Ghost already sense Kanan knows the truth behind him getting locked up, this further proves him right.
Episode 5:
“If you really love a guy, you’ll stand by him, no matter what he’s done.” – Angela to Sandoval
During the interrogation of Holly, Angela has a bit of an epiphany upon realizing the bond between Tommy and Holly. After a myriad of power plays by Saxe, Angela concludes that if they press Holly too hard her love for Tommy will take over and she’ll close up and not say a single word; utterly making her useless. Funny thing, that statement by Angela is foreshadowing at its finest; you’ll find out in the later quotes why this is key.
“You’re the one sleeping with Ghost, not me.” – Holly to Angela
The nuclear bomb exploded on Angela’s little village of comfort and ignorant bliss once Holly discovered that she had no clue that Ghost was Jamie, not Tommy. When Angela made that assertion about Tommy, the piercing look of certitude from the steely-blue eyes of Holly accompanied by her devilish grin further exemplified that Angela has gone off the path of righteousness. Angela’s disbelief is palatable as we know the perils of falling in love and coming to grips with our significant other’s demons.
Episode 6:
“Far as I’m concerned the kid (Dre) is 100. Kanan spoke for him and he was right like always” – Tommy to Ghost
Once again, as seen as plenty of times since Kanan came home, Tommy shows how loyal he is and how much he trusts Kanan along with his word. This is also ironic as when the episodes go on especially in the last episode (season finale), Dre showed how “100” he is by putting a gun to Tommy’s head when he and Ghost stood toe to toe as no longer being friends with guns to each other face.
“Keep fucking her (Angela) until I tell you to stop.” – Tasha To Ghost
This is kind of ironic and funny at the same time. Ghost was fucking Angie from the get-go, but for Tasha to now give him “Permission” for the sake of saving their family and making sure she doesn’t implement Tommy as Ghost, one has to think was this just the final straw to convince her self that she now has “permission” or rather a reason to go ahead and fuck Shawn? She feels like Angela is going to protect Ghost as long as he keeps her happy sexually so is it Shawn who she feels safe and protected with which leads to them finally having sex. Keeping control and having the Power over any situation by any means necessary, there is an underlining message throughout the whole conversation that Tasha and Ghost had in the car
Episode 7:
“When are you going to realize you’re not in control anymore. No plan of yours is going to stop her until she gets what she wants.” – Tommy to Ghost
This quote, along with the title of Episode 7 “You’re Not The Man” is probably one of if not the only times we have seen Ghost looked at as if he wasn’t on his A game. When dealing with the streets and even the club Ghost has always had two moves to make after his first initial move, he stayed ahead of the curve. While Tommy was letting his paranoia get the best of him and Tasha in his ear telling him to continue to do something he was already going to do (have sex with Angela), everyone seemed to be doubting James St. Patrick.
So he had to regroup which in life often times is the case and line up all your ducks in a row. He pleaded with everyone to trust that he had a plan. His plan ultimately required everyone around him to be used as a pawn. Mr. Stern forced Ghost to help his soon to be ex-wife in order to get back his club and gain more. This so-called plan Tommy was worried about, he became the plan as him and Lobos eventually got arrested but Tommy was let go due to a technicality. The same technicality Ghost set in motion as well as providing him with a lawyer that he had dirt on so he was forced to work for him. Angela got what she wanted, Lobos but in the process with her losing Tommy she got burned as a D.A and faced being debarred. Ghost also fixed that for her by convincing Ruiz and his family (Isabela Ruiz the witness) to leave the country so she couldn’t testify.
So did he stop Angie? Eventually, she got James St. Patrick and Ghost became no more after all the plans were said and done, so we think.
“Fucking Ghost, he’s everywhere” – Tommy to Tasha
This quote is short and sweet but speaks many volumes. When you think of a ghost (a play on his name) you think of something that can’t be seen but its presence can usually be felt or heard. Well in this instance, while everyone around Ghost; Tommy, Tasha (who starts to trust his plan), Angela, Mr. Stern etc. is doubting him, its Tommy who at this moment realizes or at least we would hope he does that no matter what the situation has his hand in the pot to stir things up. This also foreshadows that if Ghost is going to get things done that he wants he will have to be everywhere at once but it’s going to take not only him doing so but the manipulation of all parties involved to get where he wants to be.
Episode 8:
“What if you make him (Lobos) disappear.” – Tasha to Ghost
The inception moment of the season started when Tasha implemented the J.R. Smith of all ideas — kill Lobos. The plan is high risk and high reward. Thing is, Ghost mulls over the thought of disposing Lobos and ultimately seeks to carry it out, that is until Tommy shoots down the idea in a menacing discussion at Ghost’s hotel. But Ghost being Ghost, figures out another way to eradicate Lobos’ presence. Was he successful though?
“I want you to right Ghost’s wrongs by taking him out.” – Kanan to Shawn
When Kanan realizes his plan to take over Ghost’s business hit a major speed bump, he reaches into his bag of guilt and manipulation to convince Shawn that he would be the one to murder Ghost. The man he calls Uncle G. The man how took him in once Kanan went to jail. The man who trusted him. Also, he’s the man standing in the way of Shawn and Tasha’s fairy-tale relationship. The man who set Kanan up. The man that stole his father away from him. Shawn’s face shifted from a nervous, petrified little boy, into an enraged, lock-jawed soldier.
Episode 9:
“We both been playing dirty, Angela. You’re just mad you lost.” – Ghost to Angela
A moment of truth (no pun). Angela confronts Ghost while at Truth about the sketch he stole from her house that eventually sets Tommy free and which will result in her losing her job. In a prior episode, Angie cloned Ghost’s cell phone and unbeknownst to Angie and the viewers, he somehow knew about it. And at this moment is when she finally knows for sure that Jamie, the man she loves, is Ghost, the man she’s been after.
“You’re right, everything you fucking said is right. You are not like me, you ain’t built for this. I’ve always known it, I think you have too, but what Kanan’s asking you to do, Shawn? No real father should ever ask of their son. Kanan and I chose our path, putting that gun in your hand he’s trying to choose yours” – Ghost to Shawn
Since mid-season one, Shawn has been looking to get promoted from Ghost driver to a possible soldier. Although he was looking for this promotion, you can see he wasn’t ready to put in the necessary work. Ghost knows, as a man, as a father, you do not ask your son to kill a man for you if he’s not into the life. And Ghost – unlike Shawn’s father, Kanan – is giving Shawn a way out despite him following daddy’s orders. A way to live life how he chooses, making his own choices.
Episode 10:
“The only way out, was to cut all ties” – Ghost To Tommy
This specific quote appears twice in the finale. In the opening scenes Ghost meets up with Proctor, and Proctor lets him know the only way out of the life and to fully go legitimate is cut all ties to those he knows. The irony of it is that Ghost gets slightly upset when told this, but tells Tommy the same thing.
And let’s use Jaÿ Z as an example. It is well documented that Jay has distanced himself from friends of his past life, not because he wanted too, but because he needed too to go fully legit and this is the exact dilemma Ghost faces. Leaving behind the loved ones in your life for the life you always wanted.
“He’s (Kanan) out of his got-damn mind, you know prison does that to you. Friends turn into enemies” – Ghost to Tommy
So much truth and irony to this statement. While Ghost actually did put Kanan in jail, he didn’t get him out like he does with Tommy. Now the irony of it all is that, while in prison, Tommy was ready to flip on Ghost and without a doubt become his enemy. Although Tommy was set free before he can do so, the two friends still become enemies by the end of the episode.
You can checkout the full season 2 of Power over at StarzPlay.