Power without a doubt is the best new show on TV. A lot of times new shows tend to take at least the 3rd episode to reel you in, but Power grabbed the audience right out the gate. Ghost, is caught in between two worlds in which he decides to play the double edge sword game. On one end he’s on the top of the food chain in the drug trade and on the other end he stepped into the club business with the opening of his Truth nightclub. Two worlds bring double the risk.
We provide you with a breakdown of what we feel are some of the key quotes that show the battle Ghost is facing.
***NOTE** Some quotes do contain partial spoilers. Read at your own risk.
Episode 1
Ghost to Tommy
“People we deal with are worst than people we don’t”
The allies of Ghost & Tommy’s organization pose a bigger threat than their actual enemies. That tells you the folk’s Ghost and Tommy have aligned themselves with are nothing to play around with.
Tasha to Ghost
“The biggest goddamn drug dealer in New York City”
Tasha doesn’t see Ghost in any other form other than being a drug kingpin. This quote in particular further intensifies the battle Ghost is facing with himself in wanting to leave the drug trade behind him.
Episode 2
Ghost to Ms. Sheraton
“I make it my business to know what you know Ms. Sheraton, if I’m doing my job I should know what you want before you ask me for it”
Ghost was well ahead of Ms. Sheraton showing her he did his homework. This particular scene shows you why Ghost is successful in both worlds. Always one step ahead.
Tasha to Ghost:
“You want a woman’s loyalty? Give her security. You give her that, she’ll never betray you”
Tasha is hinting to Ghost she will never betray him as long as she is for certain he will continue being the person he was when they first met, a successful drug dealer. Not only emotionally but keeping the current financial flow of things as well. On the flip side with Angie, Ghost must show Angie that there is a secured future between the two. In my opinion, I feel Angie will eventually try and help Ghost get out the game.
Episode 3
Ghost to Tasha
“I don’t know any old, wrinkled drug dealers. They’re either dead or inside.”
When being a drug dealer, there are only two endings to the “movie”, that’s either the casket or jail.
Angie to Ghost
“One day I’m a hero, next day I’m knee deep in shit”
When you’re in the position in which you’re leading a pack when all goes well everybody praises you. The very moment something goes left it will feel like the world is against you. Like the great Jay Z said “penalty of leadership”.
Episode 4
Ghost to Cantos:
“See, short-term thinking creates short-term results”
When running a business, you have to always think ahead. Thinking short term will always set you up for failure and a quick exit.
Lobos to Ghost:
“The moment I detect disloyalty, I cut it out like a cancer”.
Disloyalty can damage a business if it isn’t removed quick enough. Always try your best to pick up on it immediately and remove it before it spreads.
Episode 5
Ghost To Raina:
“I know how disappointing it is to work hard for something and not get it. Everything you want in life you don’t get the first time. You got to keep going for it.”
This conversation between Ghost and his daughter has a double meaning. He helps her get through the disappointment of not getting the lead part of Annie but at the same time is speaking on the relationship him and Angie has from when they were kids up until now.
Ghost To Shawn
“Make sure your word is your bond. Never turn your back on your friends And most importantly know when to talk and when not to. God gave you two ears and a mouth for a reason.”
This intimate conversation between Ghost and Shawn is probably the only one the two share considering Shawn drives ghost around so much. This is the long lasting battle between friendship and loyalty that Ghost himself seems to struggle with. The irony of him saying God gave you two ears and a mouth for a reason could easily be something Tommy needed to hear as he did more talking than listening than anyone this season.
Episode 6
Kanan to Shawn:
“As long as you see yourself as that’s all you’ll ever be, we all start out small; runner, corner, cash kid. Question is when are you gonna make an incentive.”
Kanan who took the most incentive than anyone this season as we learned in the last two episodes of the season, taught his son Shawn a very valuable lesson. Rather than becoming complacent with what you have whether it be a good situation or not, if you want more you have to take matters into your own hands to achieve it.
Angie to Ghost:
“You don’t just become a good guy Jamie, to get where you are now means you were always one inside.
Angie reassures Ghost that he isn’t the guy he was growing up or the man Tasha is so infatuated with. Clearly showing the difference in the mind state that Angie and Tasha both have for the future for Ghost. Angie understands who Ghost is/wants to be, so we thought.
Ghost to Tommy about Holly:
“She’s gonna get fucking pissed she’s gonna fuck up our whole club, the money, every fucking thing Tommy.”
This was more so a foreshadowing of trouble to occur. Since the beginning of Tommy dealing with Holly, Ghost warned him. Even though she didn’t deliberately ruin things with the club her being around and accidentally getting shot in the finale sure enough ruined the club due to the fact it got shut down.
Episode 7
Tommy to Ghost about Rolla:
“When you want that top spot, you’re willing to do anything to get it.”
When Tommy thinks Rolla is the one hitting their operation, he explains to Ghost why it all makes sense when you want that top spot, MOST will do anything in arms reach to get it, even if it comes at the expense of their friends.
Tasha To Ghost:
“You gotta trust the people who’ve been loyal to you.”
Crazy that Tasha of all people to say this, yes she’s his wife, but she hasn’t been loyal since episode 1. The few people in Ghost circle haven’t been very supportive of him trying to change his ways, so for him to trust them they would have to have the same mindset, without the same mindset you see Tommy & Ghost struggling to understand one another. Which eventually leads to Ghost making the wrong decision.
Ghost to Tasha
Episode 8
Ghost to Tommy:
“I want you to get the respect you deserve Tommy, so people don’t ask me what I think, they ask what you think, we two men who speak with one voice.”
Ghost & Tommy finally get on the same page as far as the street side of things go. Ghost wants Tommy to finally get his respect, wants everybody to eventually go through Tommy & trust him. Which may possibly be so he(Ghost) can finally just run ‘Truth’ and not have to worry about the drugs.
I’ll be the biggest goddamn drug dealer in New York City”
Trying so hard to remove himself from the drug trade, Ghost finds himself back at square one, being what Tasha only sees him as.
You can catch the first Season of Power on Starz Demand.