Actress Yara Shahidi and Marcus Scribner have arrived at the end of a nearly ten-year journey. In September 2014, the two starred as Zoey Johnson and Andre Johnson Jr. in ABC’s Black-ish. Two spin-off series later, the two have appeared in the final episode of the show’s chief spin-off series, Grown-ish. As this chapter of her career comes to an end, Shahidi has taken time to reflect on what it means to air the last episode of Grown-ish and conclude her role as Zoey Johnson.
“It’s pretty surreal, I’d have to say. I think when we filmed it, obviously emotions were high, because not only were we ending the storylines that we’ve played for six years, but it’s also the conclusion of so many wonderful work relationships,” Shahidi said when asked about the experience of airing the last episode of Grown-ish.
“But I think what’s making it feel real is knowing that this is one of the last times we get to gather with our audience in real time to share these stories. My Nana was texting me [last week], “So, what’s going to happen? Is Luca making his way back into his love triangle?” And I was like, “Gotta wait a week. I love you.”
The final episode of Grown-ish aired Wednesday, May 22 on Freeform. Moving forward, Shahidi is expected to star in the upcoming film, Ballerina Overdrive. Meanwhile, Scribner has aspirations of joining the DCEU as Batman.