President Joe Biden has reported that the country has reached his goal of administering 200 million COVID-19 vaccine doses in the first 100 days of his presidency. During a recent address, he called the feat “an incredible achievement for the nation.”
“Today, we did it, today we hit 200 million shots in the 92nd day in office,” he said emphatically.
“This is an American achievement, a powerful demonstration of unity and revolve — what unity will do for us, and a reminder of what we can accomplish when we pull together, as one people, to a common goal.”
Adding to his announcement, Biden provided news for business owners as well. The government will reportedly offer tax credits to employers who provide paid leave for those receiving the vaccine.
“I’m calling on every employer, large and small, in every state, to give employees the time off they need, with pay, to get vaccinated. Any time they need with pay to recover if they’re feeling under the weather after the shot. No working American should lose a single dollar from their paycheck because they chose to fulfill their patriotic duty of getting vaccinated,” he added.
Biden believes that encouraging businesses to offer paid leave will lead to more Americans being vaccinated. The President hopes that more people will get the vaccine if they see their coworkers, friends, family members, etc receiving it.
“We do feel confident that if the public sees other people getting vaccinated, including in their workplace, including their employer, people that they know, and hear from local experts, that they will do their homework and make the decision more and more likely to get vaccinated,” an administration official told ABC News.