Superhero fever around the world has never been higher. With the recent success of Deadpool, Batman, Captain America and ‘The Avengers’ movies over the last few years along with the upcoming big Batman VS Superman movie set to hit the big screen soon, people are getting all the superheros they can handle.
In case you wanted more, no need to worry. Last night, the Dallas Mavericks hosted a ‘superhero night’ and their fantastic media department made their own superhero team inspired by Marvel’s own super squad, ‘The Avengers’.
Oddly enough, the characters selected for the members of the ‘Mavengers’ actually fit. Wesley Matthews as ‘Iron Man’ because he rarely misses any games and didn’t miss any in over three years before his achilles injury last season. Dirk Nowitzki as ‘Thor’ for obvious long-haired blonde guy reasons. Chandler Parsons as Captain America because after all, he has been voted as the most handsome NBA player on more than one occasion. J.J. Barea as Ant-Man for diminutive comparisons and Zaza Pachulia as the ‘Hulk’ because everyone loves some strong Zaza slams and screens. The one comparison that is confusing is Deron Williams as Falcon. If anyone has an explanation by all means, fill me in.