Tinashe has unveiled the dates for her upcoming tour. This summer, the 333 artist will embark on an eight-city trek that will kick off in Los Angeles, California at West Hollywood Pride on June 2, 2023. Two weeks later, she’ll take her talents to the Big Apple for a Pitchfork-sponsored show on June 17, 2023. Afterward, she’ll begin making her way through Europe with stops in Athens on June 20, Milan on June 23, Paris on June 24, London on June 25 and Copenhagen on June 25. Ultimately, the tour will conclude with a show in Oslo at Sentrum Scene on June 27.
Tinashe has not headlined her own tour since 2021’s 333 Tour. Since then, she’s toured with Flume and made cameos in House Party and Hell’s Kitchen. Not to be forgotten, she also appeared on Buddy’s Superghetto, DIXSON’s 004DIASY Calvin Harris’s Funk Wav. Bounces Vol. 2. Most recently, she signed up to appear in the FOX reality show, Stars on Mars.
“They must use their brains and brawn – or maybe just their stellar social skills – to outlast the competition and claim the title of ‘brightest star in the galaxy.’ The celebrities will compete in missions and will vote to eliminate one of their crewmates each week, sending them back to Earth. Cue the intergalactic alliances and rivalries,” the show’s official synopsis reads, according to Variety.
“Stars On Mars will send these famous rookie space travelers where no one has gone before and reveal who has what it takes to survive life on Mars.”
Before Tinashe rockets off to Mars, check out the complete set of dates for her summer tour below.