Actress and comedian Tiffany Haddish is hopeful that a Girls Trip sequel will happen in the future. However, she does want fans to know that there are a few roadblocks keeping a sequel from happening. During the Natural Resources Defense Council’s Night of Comedy, Haddish answered a few questions about the possibility of a sequel. According to Page Six, the comedian said, “I wish there was [a sequel], I hope there is. I have been petitioning for it.” She added, “I’ve even written a script for it. Me and the girls punched it up and made it good. They don’t want it. We understood how much money could be made, and they don’t want to pay it. So I doubt it.”
Prior to Haddish’s most recent comments, Regina Hall offered a similar sentiment. During an interview with BuzzFeed News, Hall said, “We’re trying to make [a sequel] happen. So we’re trying to get everything together with the schedule.” She added, “I think they’re working on something. I don’t know where we’re going. I don’t know where the girls are going, but… we’re going somewhere.”
Universal has not denied that they are working on a sequel, but they did refute Haddish’s claim that she had submitted a script.