For those who are unaware, Nashville has one of the fastest-growing Hip-Hop scenes in the country. Over the course of several decades, the city has earned its reputation as a city that is home to country music and nothing else. In fact, the opposite is true. A new generation of artists is emerging in the Music City. AB Eastwood, Brian Brown, Trapperman Dale and several other artists are reimagining what the city is and what it will be moving forward. This month, Reaux Marquez added to this movement.
Some of us celebrate Black History Month by going to a museum, spending time learning about Black history or watching movies about Black history. Reaux Marquez is celebrating Black History Month by making Black history. His latest effort, No Roads, is one of the best projects of 2021 thus far. The most endearing aspect of the album is its soulfulness. On tracks like “Arsonist, With Love,” Lauren McClinton’s warm voice pairs beautifully with Reaux Marquez’s rapid rhyme pattern. Beyond the sound of the project, the content is relatable and perfect for the obstacles that many are facing. No Roads plays on the theme of arson, fire and the end of the world. As much of America battles the COVID-19 pandemic, police brutality and economic inequality, No Roads serves as a project that will make you think and leave you a bit paranoid about the world around you. However, it will also leave you a little bit optimistic about what’s ahead.
In all, No Roads feel like one of those late-night conversations with your friends as you sit around all smoking and drinking. It’s almost like a thought provoking kickback if that makes any sense. Check out the project below.