The entire cast of A Quiet Place will compete in the ‘Supporting’ categories at award shows this year. Paramount originally planned on pushing John Krasinski and Emily Blunt as the leads of the film but have since reversed their stance. Noah Jupe and Millicent Simmonds were already going to be competing in the ‘Supporting’ categories. Being considered part of a true ensemble could give their performances more credibility though.
It’s likely that Blunt was a driving force behind this change. The ‘Lead Actress’ category is stacked this year and it’s unlikely she would get a nomination had she competed there. Also, she could very well receive a nomination for her titular role in Mary Poppins Returns later this year. Julie Andrews won ‘Best Actress’ in 1965 playing the same character. Either way, Blunt has the most to gain from this move. Her performance in A Quiet Place will certainly look better in the ‘Supporting’ category.
Pushing an ensemble over leads is nothing new in Hollywood. Crash did this successfully in 2005, followed in 2006 by Little Miss Sunshine. Most recently, in 2015, Spotlight used the same strategy to receive two nominations.
This story was first covered by The Hollywood Reporter