In recent years, Netflix has pushed its platform into the reality television sector with shows like Love Is Blind and The Circle. This winter, the streaming giant will add yet another show to its growing slate of reality series and its called Twentysomethings: Austin.
In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, Netflix took a group of eight “twenty somethings” and placed them in the thriving city of Austin, Texas. Throughout this experience, the young adults chase love, pursue their passions, work through personal turmoil and much more. At the end, their experiences were pieced together in a visual format for the world to see.
“Adulting in the 2020s is a challenge. Between finding a job, finding love, and finding our way in the world, the pressure can seem insurmountable. When your new job turns into a nightmare, when your hope turns to heartbreak, and when you feel like you’ve lost your way, having friends to lean on can make all the difference,” the show’s description reads.
“Eight twentysomethings from across the country are leaving behind everything they’ve ever known to take their first steps into adult life in Austin, Texas. These eight complete strangers will form a unique bond as they strive to start a new life for themselves in The Lone Star State.”
Check out the trailer below from Netflix’s newest reality series before it arrives in its entirety this weekend.