Netflix has given the go-ahead to a comedy series produced by Elaine Ko and Mindy Kaling. The untitled series will follow the life of Los Angeles Lakers executive Eliza Reed as she works with NBA stars to win championships. Off the court, Reed must manage her personal life and family drama.
Elaine Ko has been tasked with writing the series. She has previously written for Family Guy and Do Not Disturb. Ko has also worked as a producer for Modern Family.
Mindy Kaling is best known for her role on The Office, but she’s also appeared in The Mindy Kaling Project, It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia and Ocean’s Eight. Behind the scenes, she’s produced Never Have I Ever and Champions.
Netflix joins the growing list of networks that are working on series centered around the Los Angeles Lakers. Previously, Hulu ordered a nine-part documentary about Los Angeles Lakers and HBO ordered a scripted series about the “Showtime” Lakers.