Louis C.K. has been in the news quite a lot over the past few months. First, the comedian faced scrutiny for alleged acts of sexual misconduct in late 2017. Then, the comedian faced further scrutiny when a 2012 clip of him emphatically using the n-word reappeared on Twitter. Today, the controversial comedian made more headlines when a clip of a recent comedy routine leaked online.
During a December 16th set at Long Island’s Governors Comedy Club, Louis C.K. made some less than flattering comments about the Parkland Shooting of 2017 and gender identity. As it pertains to the Parkland Shooting, Louis C.K. said, “They testify in front of Congress, these kids?! Like, what the f*ck? What are you doing? You’re young. You should be crazy. You should be unhinged [and] not in a suit saying, ‘I’m here to tell you…’ F*ck you! That’s not interesting. Because you went to a high school where kids got shot? Why does that mean I gotta listen to you? Why does that make you interesting?” He ended by saying, “You didn’t get shot. You pushed some fat kid in the way and now I gotta listen to you talk?”
As it pertains to the topic of gender identity, Louis C.K. said, “You should address me as they [or] them because I identify as gender neutral. Oh, ok. You should address me as ‘there’ because I identify as a location and the location is your mother’s c*nt.” The man accused of sexual misconduct also goes on to defend his use of the word “retarded”. Those interested in hearing his full comments can listen to the audio above.