Apple isn’t messing around with its streaming content. After signing Alfonso Cuarón to an exclusive deal earlier this week, the company has greenlit a new series from Jason Sudeikis and Bill Lawrence. According to Deadline, Sudeikis will reprise his role as Coach Ted Lasso from NBC’s popular ad campaign a few years ago in a new series, Ted Lasso.
The series will follow Sudeikis’ Lasso as he is hired to manage an English football club. However, there’s just one problem as Lasso is a born-and-bred American football coach with next to no knowledge of how the game of soccer is played. Lawrence, the creator of Scrubs and Whiskey Cavalier, is set to write and executive produce the series alongside Sudeikis. So far, the only other confirmed cast member is Brendan Hunt, who is also set to reprise his role from the ads as Coach Beard.
That’s really about all we know about the series for now. But, you can check out the video below for an idea of what to expect from it:
Apple TV+ will launch on November 1st. Ted Lasso is expected to hit the platform sometime next year.