Jada Pinkett Smith is set to star in the upcoming film, Redd Zone. The film centers around the true story of Tia Magee. Magee helps her son and his friends heal after one of their high school football teammates is murdered. One by one, her son’s teammates begin moving into Magee’s house. Eventually, more than a dozen high school boys move into her home as she helps them put their lives back together. In the end, all of the boys graduate and go to college. Magee’s son, Brandon Magee, went on to play in the NFL and MLB.
Brandon Magee will work as the film’s executive producer. Pinkett Smith, Miguel Melendez and Jon Mone will executive produce the film. It will debut on Netflix on an unspecified date.
Alongside the Redd Zone, Pinkett Smith is also working on Matrix 4 and King Richard. She also hosts Red Table Talk on Facebook Watch. Not to mention, she executive produced HBO Max’s latest offering Charm City Kings starring Meek Mill.