Views are what any YouTuber wants to increase without any doubt. This is amongst the most meaningful metrics for growth on YouTube. Many YouTube strategies are spiraled around the need to maximize views before increasing the number of subscribers on the channel. And how does one promote his channel in order to do that? Well, in this article you will find useful tips for your tactic! Let’s get on to reading!
About Paid Services
This practice is considered illegal on Youtube, so you should think twice before you will be throwing your money in this venture. First of all, you need to realize that purchased services cannot replace organic growth. It is not the substitution of the stats, it’s an instrument to get them. Getting from 500 to 1000 YouTube views can be relevant for you only if you already have an established channel that has a close amount of subscribers. Otherwise, your purchases will be too obvious and will not fulfill their purpose – to attract more real viewers to your content.
Come Up With Titles That Are Rich For Keywords
On YouTube, there is a big chance to increase your rate of views, if your video is easy to find. To make it like that, you should create a title for your film, that will include the most relevant for your topic keywords.
The same statement works for descriptions that you add to your content. The more relevant keywords you can include there, the better it is for your visibility on the platform. Besides, you will be able to attract targeted audiences and expand your influence in the niche.
Use The Tags
The tags for videos are what helps the algorithm of YouTube to categorize your content and then suggest it to the most suitable audience. The video tags, along with proper title and description are working well if you want to increase your views. With the right tags, it will be easier to spread your content amid the industry.
Create Compelling Thumbnails
This tiny picture is doing a lot of work for you. Basically, it is the first visual hook that drives the interest of a user to your content. Here are the universal tips for creating the most useful thumbnails:
• Always create custom thumbnails. The ones that YouTube Studio offers, are simply the screenshots of your content and sometimes the algorithm can choose not too attractive ones.
• Give potential viewers a hint for what is your video about. It shouldn’t be too specific so you don’t reveal the very core of your film.
• Think of thumbnail design like a movie poster. It has to be bright, demonstrates the general idea of it, and present the protagonists (means you, and probably people who you collaborate with)
Add Subtitles To Your Videos
This method to increase your viewership is often neglected, but it can be very effective. It makes your content available for disabled users and foreigners. Of course, this technique requires the knowledge of popular languages, like English or Spanish, for example.
Avoid automated captions, though. This type of subtitles is not precise enough, and the sense of your original speech can be crooked or lost.
Catch Up With The Hottest Trends
To increase views of your content and bring attention to your channel in general, use what is the newest and most viral trends on the platform. For example, you can participate in the latest challenges, or support the older ones. For you, this will be an interesting experience and a little dilution to your content, and for your audience, it will be fun – and that’s why people come to social media in the first place.
Collaborate With Other Bloggers
On YouTube, competitors can turn into buddies easily if there is a need for both to increase their results. The goal of any collaboration among YouTubers is to exchange organic views. When you host content with someone significant in your industry, you automatically bring new eyes not only to this particular video but to your older content as well. Thus, here you get a good boost to your views. Of course, this method requires having a somewhat established audience, and good negotiation skills, but if you reach success, the effort pays off.
Use The Cards
A card on YouTube is a small notion box that appears on the upper right corner of the video. That can be used for several different purposes that also increase your views:
• Promotion of your related content
• Donation or crowd-funding site
• Website with your other content
• Polls or questionnaires, etc.
• Long story short, cards are what helps to increase views on the content that is less watched. Look through your user behavior statistics to see where the card should be placed in order for it to be seen by more users.
Unite Your Videos Into Playlists
Playlists are an easy method to maximize views on your channel. This feature is totally speculating on the laziness of the average user. The videos from one playlist will be playing automatically one by one, and many people will simply go on with it. As long as the content is good, of course.
Create The Best Content
For sure, none of the techniques will be effective for you, if there is nothing behind the promotion. Your primary task is to provide unique and interesting content regularly, so your viewers will want more and more. Authentic and well-shot videos are doing half of all the work. With high-quality production to offer, it will be much easier for you to grow a successful blog.
Train Your Patience
The methods that are described above, are proven to be effective. And yet, any strategy needs time to show results. So get ready to wait. Any technique will not work immediately after you apply it. So while you have some time, use it for creating new content, analyzing your statistics, and adjusting your strategy. Be sure that as time passes, you will see how your rates grow and your waiting pays off.