It is safe to say we’ve entered into a period of history unlike anything we’ve ever seen before. Nearly ten days after the killing of George Floyd, protesters around the country have continued to take to the streets and express their dismay with the country’s police brutality problem. As protests continue, a number of demonstrators face legal threats for expressing their right to protest. With the direction of the National Bail Fund Network and the power of social media, we have put together a list of bail and legal funds in each state that may be of assistance to those in need during this time. If there are any funds, networks and organizations you feel we should include, please feel free to flag them to us as this is a living, breathing resource. As always, stay healthy and be safe.
Alabama: No One Left Behind Fund
“No One Left Behind is the only nation-wide association of wartime allies in the US dedicated to ensuring that America keeps its promise to our interpreters from Iraq and Afghanistan. These brave men and women served right alongside US military and government personnel, and in many cases, directly saved American lives,” No One Left Behind Fund writes.
Donate: https://nooneleft.org/
Alaska: The Bail Project (National)
“The Bail Project™ National Revolving Bail Fund is a critical tool to prevent incarceration and combat racial and economic disparities in the bail system,” The Bail Project writes.
Donate: https://secure.givelively.org/donate/the-bail-project
Arizona: Tucson Second Chance Community Bail Fund
“The Tucson Second Chance Community Bail Fund (TSCCBF) was established to address the disproportionate impact of the cash bail system on communities of color and vulnerable populations here in Pima County,” Tucson Second Chance Community Bail Fund states.
Donate: https://watchtucson.com/donation/
California: Peoples City Council Freedom Fund
“As the mayor and city council have sought to increase the LAPD’s budget during a pandemic, and as police around the country continue to kill innocent people of color, we have taken to the street to protest the funding of state sanctioned murder,” the Peoples City Council Freedom Fund writes.
Donate: https://www.gofundme.com/f/peoples-city-council-ticket-fund
Colorado: Colorado Freedom Fund
“Colorado Freedom Fund posts bonds for folks who cannot afford bail—no strings attached. We reduce harm to people impacted by bail & work to end money bail,” the Colorado Freedom Fund writes.
Donate: https://fundly.com/coloradofreedom
Connecticut: Connecticut Bail Fund
“Our mission is to reduce the direct harms caused by criminalization, incarceration, and deportation while building power among the people and families in our community who are most impacted by these systems,” the Connecticut Bail Fund writes.
Donate: http://www.ctbailfund.org/donate
Delaware: FNB Bail Fund
“Fund for jail support for local residents in relation to the aftermath of the Justice for George Floyd protest in Wilmington, Delaware. Any unused funds will be used for future actions involving police brutality,” Fe Echavarria writes.
Donate: https://www.gofundme.com/f/fnbbailfundwilm
Florida: (F)empower Community Bond Fund
Our Mission is to end money bail and pre-trial detention in Miami-Dade County,” Free The Block writes.
Donate: https://www.paypal.me/freethemall
Georgia: Atlanta Solidarity Fund
“When activists face repression, we stand with them. We provide support for people who are arrested at protests, or otherwise prosecuted for their movement involvement,” the Atlanta Solidarity Fund states.
Donate: https://atlsolidarity.org
Hawaii: Hawaii Community Bail Fund
“Money bail for pretrial detention is demonstrably counterproductive making its persistence punitive and regressive. Like the rest of the Criminal Justice System, it disproportionately affects Hawaiians and other people of color. Members of our community who are held in pretrial detention for no reason other than lack of access to money lose jobs, housing, and parental rights everyday – this fact is an abomination of justice and must end,” the Hawaii Community Bail Fund writes.
Donate: https://hawaiicommunitybailfund.org/
Illinois: Chicago Community Bond Fund
Nearly 100 volunteers sustain CCBF’s work, including operation of the revolving bail fund and local and national advocacy efforts to end money bond and pretrial incarceration. These volunteers work tirelessly to follow up on requests for help paying bond, fundraise money to replenish the revolving fund and sustain our other work, support people freed from jail, and push forward CCBF’s educational and campaign work,” Chicago Community Bond Fund writes.
Donate: https://chicagobond.org/donate/
Iowa: Eastern Iowa Community Bond Project
“The Eastern Iowa Community Bond Project (EICBP) works with bond-eligible detained immigrants to pay their bond and reunite them with their loved ones,” EICBP states.
Donate: https://communitybondproject.org/donate/
Kansas: Lawrence Bail Fund
“All funds will be used for those that are arrested during the protest on 5/31. We will prioritize Black folks. If we we raise more than we need, we will pass the money to KC,” Leah Rose Evans writes.
Donate: https://www.paypal.me/lawrencebailfund
Kentucky: Lexington Bail Fund
Donate: https://actionnetwork.org/fundraising/louisville-community-bail-fund/
Louisiana: New Orleans Safety and Freedom Fund
“Revolving bail fund restoring the presumption of innocence for people awaiting trial. We work to #EndMoneyBailNOLA in New Orleans and it’s injustices,” the New Orleans Safety and Freedom Fund states.
Donate: https://donorbox.org/safety-freedom-fund-eoy
Maryland: Baltimore Action Legal Team
BALT is committed to building the power of the local Movement for Black Lives. We take our direction from community organizing groups who are on the ground, and we respect the leadership of local activists. BALT is committed to anti-racist practices and to black leadership. BALT is dedicated to politically-conscious lawyering and to using creative, collective solutions to support the Movement for Black Lives in Baltimore,” Baltimore Action Legal team states.
Donate: https://www.baltimoreactionlegal.org/aboutus
Massachusetts: The Massachusetts Bail Fund
“The Massachusetts Bail Fund pays up to $2000 bail so that low-income people can stay free while they work towards resolving their case, allowing individuals, families, and communities to stay productive, together, and stable. The Massachusetts Bail Fund is committed to the harm reduction of freeing individuals serving pre-trial sentences, and to abolishing pre-trial detention and supervision in the long-term,” the Massachusetts Bail Fund states.
Donate: https://www.massbailfund.org/donate.html
Michigan: The Detroit Justice Center
“DJC has partnered with The Bail Project, a new non-profit organization designed to combat mass incarceration by disrupting the money bail system ? one person at a time. Over the next five years, The Bail Project will work with local partners, like DJC, to open dozens of sites in high-need jurisdictions and pay bail for tens of thousands of low-income people, reducing the human suffering caused by unaffordable cash bail and building on the work of grassroots groups and movements for decarceration and racial justice,” the Detroit Justice center states.
Donate: https://www.detroitjustice.org/donate
Minnesota: Minnesota Freedom Fund
“The Minnesota Freedom Fund pays criminal bail and immigration bond for those who cannot afford to as we seek to end discriminatory, coercive, and oppressive jailing,” the Minnesota Freedom Fund writes.
Donate: https://minnesotafreedomfund.org/donate
Missouri: Kansas City Community Bail Fund
“Our mission is to give those who cannot afford bail a fighting chance at getting a positive outcome in their case rather than be persuaded to plead out through the use of a revolving fund. We want those detained pretrial to be given a chance to keep their jobs, their spot in school, their housing, and provide care for their children, while maintaining their presumed innocence, rather than sitting in local or county jail costing the taxpayers and themselves money,” Kansas City Community Bail Fund writes.
Donate: https://www.kccommunitybailfund.com/
Montana: Montana Legal Services Association
“For over fifty years, the Montana Legal Services Association has helped ensure fairness for all in Montana’s justice system by providing civil, non-criminal legal services to low income Montanans living in all 56 Montana counties and on all Tribal Reservations,” the Montana Legal Services Association writes.
Donate: https://www.mtlsa.org/donate/
Nebraska: Nebraska Left Coalition
“We have created several projects that serve the people and help to fight the power. We have community gardens, a free grocery, emergency care kits, education classes, a Little Free Library, and a dynamic podcast. We run social media sites with the goal of increasing the visibility of the issues within our nation,” the Nebraska Left Coalition writes.
Donate: https://www.paypal.me/neleftcoalition
Nevada: Vegas Freedom Fund
“The Vegas Freedom Fund was founded in 2018 in an effort to combat mass incarceration in Clark County. We free people in need, reunite families, and restore the presumption of innocence. Bail is typically returned at the end of a case, so your donation will come back to the Vegas Freedom Fund, and used to free another Nevadan,” Vegas Freedom Fund states.
Donate: https://secure.actblue.com/donate/vegasfreedomfund
New Hampshire: NAACP Legal Defense Fund (National)
“The NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund, Inc. is America’s premier legal organization fighting for racial justice. Through litigation, advocacy, and public education, LDF seeks structural changes to expand democracy, eliminate disparities, and achieve racial justice in a society that fulfills the promise of equality for all Americans,” the New Hampshire Legal Defense Fund writes.
Donate: https://www.naacpldf.org/
New Jersey: ACLU of New Jersey
Note: New Jersey does not use a cash bail system.
“The ACLU of New Jersey works to defend liberty throughout our state. We are involved in litigation and advocacy on behalf of individuals, and we lobby on scores of bills in the state legislature and local councils. In addition, the ACLU is active in many public education and community organizing projects,” ACLU New Jersey writes.
Donate: https://www.aclu-nj.org/act/donations/waystosupporttheacluofnewj
New Mexico: New Mexico Legal Aid
“In a state where almost half a million residents live under the poverty line, New Mexico Legal Aid strives to maintain a high level of service to promote family and economic stability. For every 14,000 poor persons, there is one legal aid attorney at NMLA. We dedicate our work to individuals and families who have depleted resources for basic human needs, ultimately securing safe housing, food, income, and personal safety,” the New Mexico Legail Aid program writes.
Donate: https://donate.newmexicolegalaid.org/civicrm/contribute/transact?reset=1&id=2
New York: OAR of Tompkins County Bail Fund
“Our bail fund program provides bail loans to those in need. Our program recognizes that economic inequality can result in unequal treatment before the law, and we strive to provide a more justice-oriented outcome for those of limited means navigating the criminal justice system,” OAR of Tompkins County Bail Fund writes.
Donate: https://www.oartompkins.org/donate/
North Carolina: orth Carolina Community Bail Fund of Durham
“Donating to the NC Community Bail Fund will further our efforts to provide freedom for impacted members of our community. Please consider a monthly support or whatever amount you are able to do. Together, we can #EndMoneyBail,” North Carolina Community Bail Fund of Durham states.
Donate: https://www.nccbailfund.org/donate
North Dakota: F-M Solidarity Fund
“The F-M Solidarity Fund provides funds in partnership with Fargo Moorhead Black Lives Matter for medical Bills for those injured during the protest, bail Funds for those being detained for protesting and assistance Requests for those facing financial instability due,” Jamaal Abegaz writes.
Donate: https://www.paypal.com/pools/c/8oLGbaaeqf
Ohio: Columbus Freedom Fund
“Grassroots organizers working to end cash bail and pretrial detention,” Columbus Freedom Fund states.
Donate: https://www.paypal.me/columbusfreedomfund
Oklahoma: Black Lives Matter Oklahoma City
“Black Lives Matter OKC is an extension of the Global BLM movement. Our mission: to highlight racial disparities, injustices, & advocate for racial equity,” Black Lives Matter Oklahoma City writes.
Donate: https://www.paypal.me/BLMOKC
Oregon: Portland Freedom Fund
“The Portland Freedom Fund is the culmination of hard work from a small group of activists in the Portland area, and we are honored to continue the work. Your donation will help to free someone from a cage, allowing them to navigate their legal case from a position of freedom and with the presumption of innocence,” Portland Freedom Fund states.
Donate: https://www.facebook.com/PortlandFreedom/
Pennsylvania: Philadelphia Bail Fund
“Philadelphia Bail Fund is a revolving fund that posts bail for people who are indigent and cannot afford bail. Our goal is to keep families and communities together and vigorously advocate for the end to cash bail in Philadelphia,” Philadelphia Bail Fund writes.
Donate: https://www.phillybailfund.org/donate
Rhode Island: FANG Community Bail Fund
“Please help us free people who are being held on bail in local jails in Massachusetts and Rhode Island. The conditions and treatment of people in jail is violent and cruel. This is especially true during the current COVID-19 pandemic,” FANG Community Bail Fund writes.
Donate: https://www.gofundme.com/f/fangbailfund
South Carolina: Charleston, South Carolina Protester Fund
“This campaign is working directly with organizers from Black Lives Matter Charleston to get these funds distributed to where they are needed most. As soon as they are available, these funds will be withdrawn and sent to organizers who are bailing out protestors and purchasing supplies for protests, such as masks, water, and safe transportation arrangements,” Katie Thompson writes.
Donate: https://www.gofundme.com/f/charleston-sc-protestor-fund
South Dakota: Progressives Everywhere
“Progressives Everywhere has created a fund devoted to help low-income people, protestors and bystanders who have been unfairly arrested and must post high cash bails (another feature of our unjust system),” Progressives Everywhere writes.
Donate: https://secure.actblue.com/donate/bailfunds?refcode=twitter
Tennessee: Justy City
“Our mission is to advance policies and programs within Shelby County and the State of Tennessee that strengthen the right to counsel and mitigate the damage caused to families and neighborhoods as a result of contact with the criminal justice system,” Just City Memphis writes.
Donate: https://justcity.org/give/
Texas: Luke 4:18 Bail Fund
“We need you! The Luke 4:18 Bail Fund, overseen and managed by Faith in Texas, aims to draw attention to the inequities within the money bail system and engage community members – especially those directly impacted – in the processes to address those injustices. All people have inherent worth and deserve to be treated with dignity, care, and respect. Ultimately, the goal of the fund is to set Dallas County captives free so they may return to their families, jobs, and community,” The Luke 4:18 Bail Fund writes.
Donate: https://faithintexas.salsalabs.org/luke418bailfunddonations/index.html
Utah: Utah Against Police Brutality
“We’re raising money to support anyone arrested by SLCPD during the George Floyd/National Day of Protest action on May 30 as well as related protests in the days/weeks following. Please donate to help pay for bail,” David Newlin states.
Donate: https://www.gofundme.com/f/c2mvvn-support-protesters-arrested-by-slcpd
Vermont: Vermont Freedom Bail Fund
“We are a tax-deductible fund available to bail out immigrants living in Vermont held on immigration charges. Immigrants with any chance of release from ICE prison need bail in order to be freed from the prison system to rejoin their families and communities, have wider legal options, get help in preparing their cases, and be able to earn their living,” Vermont Bail Fund writes.
Donate: https://fondo.migrantvt.org/
Virginia: The Richmond Community Bail Fund
“The Richmond Community Bail Fund exists to restore the presumption of innocence to defendants so they don’t lose their jobs, families and critical services while also reducing the financial burden on our community of detaining citizens prior to their day in court,” Richmond Community Bail Fund states.
Donate: https://rvabailfund.org/donate
Washington: The Northwest Community Bail Fund
The Northwest Community Bail Fund is a nonprofit organization advocating for bail reform and working to minimize the harm of the cash bail system by paying bail for people who would otherwise spend the pre-trial time in jail,” Northwest Community Bail Fund states.
Donate: https://www.nwcombailfund.org/get-involved/
West Virginia: Black Lives Matter West Virginia
“Every single Black life matters. From the mountains of West Virginia to the streets of Minneapolis and everywhere in between. Our lives have value, and the fight continues until every single human knows: Black Lives Matter,” Black Lives Matter West Virginia writes.
Donate: https://secure.actblue.com/donate/blacklivesmatterwv
Wisconsin: Free The 350 Bail Fund
“The Free The 350 Bail Fund seeks to prioritize bailing out Black people incarcerated in the Dane County jail system, and also seeks to end the unjust and antiquated prison and jail system in general. Prison abolition is the ultimate goal, free them all,” Free The 350 Bail Fund states.
Donate: https://freethe350bailfund.wordpress.com/
Wyoming: National Bail Out
“National Bail Out is a Black-led and Black-centered collective of abolitionist organizers, lawyers and activists building a community-based movement to support our folks and end systems of pretrial detention and ultimately mass incarceration. We are people who have been impacted by cages — either by being in them ourselves or witnessing our families and loved ones be encaged. We are queer, trans, young, elder, and immigrant,” National Bail Out states.
Donate: https://secure.actblue.com/donate/freeblackmamas2020