As of now, it’s going on almost 4 years since the release of Frank Ocean’s sophomore album, Blonde. A body of work that only catapulted the love fans had for the star, Frank hasn’t let up on his mysteriousness or taking his time crafting new music. Potentially being ready to give us new material from his next album, Frank has previewed 2 new tracks, “Dear April” and “Cayendo”.
Dropping the previews in the form of remixes by Justice and Sango, it is likely that the sound of the previewed material will not be what its original form sounds like upon release.
Hard to judge from its remix format, it really doesn’t matter as fans are ready to consume just about anything Frank puts out in the universe of music. Having no clear indicator of when the star will be giving listeners the art they crave, let’s hope that the previews of “Dear April” and “Cayendo” means that a new Frank Ocean album is dropping in the near future.