Complex’s daily talk show, Everyday Struggle, has announced that they will not tape a show on November 3. The show’s on-air personalities, Nadeska Alexis, Wayno and DJ Akademiks, hope that taking the day off will encourage viewers to vote.
“Everyone has to get out there and vote. Tomorrow, we’re actually not going to be on air because we want to give everyone a chance to vote,” DJ Akademiks said on Monday’s episode.
“The main thing is to let you know that tomorrow is election day. Please get out and vote. Vote for who you want to. We don’t want to tell you who to vote for. We just want to raise awareness.”
The trio of Complex personalities will take Tuesday off. The group then plans to return on Wednesday with a new episode.
Thus far, more than 90 million Americans have voted. November 3 will mark the last opportunity to vote in the upcoming election.