Lenard “Charlamagne Tha God” McKelvey and Elevation Church have pitched in to provide free Wi-Fi for residents of Colony and North Pointe Apartments in Columbia, South Carolina. Donations for the Wi-Fi were facilitated by Mayor Steven Benjamin and Ignite Cities, a nonprofit seeking to increase internet availability nationwide. From there, tech companies like Gregory Electric and Mesh++ stepped in to complete the installation.
The popular radio host and podcast network partner typically hosts an annual backpack giveaway. However, the COVID-19 pandemic has rendered backpacks unessential for many students. As a result, he stepped in to provide free internet access as a way to help with virtual learning.
“As a father of three, I hate that two of my children had to do virtual learning, but you immediately get brought back to reality when you realize something that you take for granted, like Wi-Fi, is a luxury that other people don’t have,” McKelvey said.
“I reached out to Mayor Benjamin just to ask him what can we do for kids who are experiencing these types of challenges, and he told me exactly what was needed, so now it’s done. I’m going to always be there for my people. When I say ‘South Carolina, we all we got’: I truly mean that,” he added.
The Wi-Fi installation is underway and should be available to residents immediately.