In a new issue of Empire, actress Sienna Miller provided a previously untold story that speaks to Chadwick Boseman’s generosity. Prior to filming 21 Bridges, Miller was on the fence about joining the film. Ultimately, it was Boseman’s tenacity that pulled her in.
“He was a fan of my work, which was thrilling, because it was reciprocated from me to him, tenfold. So he approached me to do it, he offered me this film, and it was at a time when I really didn’t want to work anymore. I’d been working non-stop and I was exhausted, but then I wanted to work with him,” she said.
After agreeing to appear in the film, Miller hit a snag with negotiations. She felt that she given an underwhelming offer. Eventually, Boseman stepped in to support her.
“This was a pretty big budget film, and I know that everybody understands about the pay disparity in Hollywood, but I asked for a number that the studio wouldn’t get to. And because I was hesitant to go back to work and my daughter was starting school and it was an inconvenient time, I said, ‘I’ll do it if I’m compensated in the right way.’ And Chadwick ended up donating some of his salary to get me to the number that I had asked for. He said that that was what I deserved to be paid,” she added.
To this day, Miller tells this story to other actors. She challenges them to stand on their words of gender equality with their actions.
“It’s just unfathomable to imagine another man in that town behaving that graciously or respectfully. In the aftermath of this I’ve told other male actor friends of mine that story and they all go very very quiet and go home and probably have to sit and think about things for a while,” she concluded